Thursday, 28 March 2013

How to Describe a Case Study

My class have studied Craik and Tulving thus why I am using it in this resource

Craik and Tulving – Describing a Cognitive Study

To complete a description on the designated study for your exam I recommend that you:

-          Make at least one point on the aim of the study
-          Make at least three points on the procedure of the study
-          Make at least two points on the results of the study
-          Make at least one point on the conclusion of the study

Here is what you could mention if you have studied Craik and Tulving:


-          To see if semantic processing leads to a better recall of information.
-          To provide evidence for the levels of processing theory


-          20 participants
-          40 words
-          Yes or no questions were asked
-          Incidental (participants did not know they were doing a memory test)
-          Tested individually
-          Words shown one at a time for 200 milliseconds             

Detailed sentences should be used in this section to convey a good understanding of the case study.


-          30% more words were recorded if semantically processed
-          Semantic processing lead to the best recognition


-          Shows that LOP is correct that semantic is the deepest form of processing
-          Deeper processing means we are more likely to understand the material

If you have any questions please comment below x

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