Friday, 29 March 2013

Practical Write up Help

For your exam you need to know how to write up a practical investigation for each practical you carry out for the approaches.

Here is a step by step guide for every section of your practical write up you need to have completed and know how to do for each approaches’ practical:

1.       The title of your investigation
2.       The aim of your practical
3.       Your independent variable and dependent variable (make sure that these are both operationalised)
4.       Hypotheses
a.       Directional
b.      Non directional
c.       Null
5.       Procedure – this should be a step by step account of how you carried out your investigation (like a recipe)

The procedure should include:
-          How does your practical meet ethical guidelines
-          Research method used
-          Sampling technique used and why you chose it
-          Participants used (who and why)
-          Where you completed the investigation

6.       Results – whether they are qualative or quantative (are the results significant)  
7.       Which hypotheses you will accept and why
8.       Evaluation use generalisability, validity, reliability, ecological validity, ethics etc to look at the strengths and weaknesses of you practical
9.       Any problems and solutions

Example questions:

Outline the aim of your learning approach practical? (2 marks)

Out two problems you came across when planning or carrying out your cognitive approach practical? (4 marks)

How did you ensure that you followed ethical guidelines in your observation? (5 marks)

If you have any questions please leave a comment below x

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